How much do I love Christmas?
I'm now on a serious countdown to fun stuff. This week is Lia's last week of school, or rather last four days at school as she finishes Thursday. Wednesday is the school Christingle Service so I'm going to that and then Thurdsay she finishes early so so do I. Then this Friday DH and I are off into London to see the musical Wicked and then on Saturday we're all going to the local Panto (Cinderella). Sunday if the weather is nice we're off to London again for a trip to Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland.
And that's just this week!
Next week I'm only working Wednesday so Monday and Tuesday Lia and I will be doing Christmassy things and I have my next scan so she can come and see the baby too. I remembered this morning that I didn't share the fact that it's a boy this time. I'm sure you're all as excited as we are by that news LOL. Seriously though, Lia is over the moon as she was sure all along that's what it was and she was very righteous about it when we found out. There is absolutely no question it's a boy - he was lying there with his legs wide open showing himself off to the world!
One other exciting thing (for me anyway) I bought myself a brand new laptop at the weekend. The one I had been using was works and they kind of wanted it back because I no longer work from home once a week. I splashed out on a Dell Inspiron purely because I'm a girl and I wanted a red one! It's fantastic and I was busy playing whenever I could over the weekend.
In crafty news I finally got my finger out and did some this weekend. I finished Grandma's Thread Minder and the Jingle In the Tin biscornu. I also spent most of yesterday making my MIL a bag for her Christmas present so I'm feeling very virtuous! Pics will follow...
3 hours ago
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