Thursday, 30 November 2023

November Round-up

Thursday, 30 November 2023

 New Books Bought:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Finding Alaska

Books read:
Dead Good Detectives Ghost Rescue - Jenny McLachlan
Max and the Millions - Ross Montgomery
Serpent of the Sands - Vashti Hardy
Jake Atlas and the Hunt for the Feathered God - Rob Lloyd Jones
Jake Atlas and the Quest for the Crystal Mountain - Rob Lloyd Jones
Jake Atlas and the Keys of the Apocalypse - Rob Lloyd Jones
Wildspark - Vashti Hardy
The Good Turn - Sharna Jackson
Loki A Bad Gods Guide to Being Good - Louie Stowell

Films watched at Cinema:
Dream Scenario

New films watched on TV:
Fisherman's Friends

Stitching finishes:
Santa Clothes by Raise the Roof Designs.  Stitched on 28ct opalescent white using the recommended threads and JABCO button pack.



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