My stitching plans are very specific but my quilting plans are a little less so because I'm not sure how much time I'll have to devote to it. Nevertheless they are quite ambitious LOL.
1. Quilt all the tops I have made up - Mermaid, Safari, jelly roll, flannel, DH's quilt.
2. Finish my Mother's bag (we don't talk about this one, I know I'm the worst daughter!)
3. Make up four cushion covers for my MIL
4. Work on the stitchery parts of the Tail Feathers quilt
5. Make one Christmas project a month - I have five advent calendars to do plus a Christmas wreath project and I'd like to make some Christmas cushion covers too but I'm not sure what else I'll include
6. Work on the Baby Jane blocks - I'd like to do at least one a week
7. Make the Amy Bradley Happy Halloween quilt
8. Make a jelly roll/layer cake Halloween quilt
9. Make up a pirate quilt kit
10. Make up the tops I have started - spring fever and pink hearts
I have absolutely no idea how long all that will take me so I'm probably going to review it every couple of months and see how I'm doing.
I know that this month I'm going to work on completing a Christmas table runner and place mat set that I cut just before Christmas and have started sewing together. I'm also going to layer up and quilt Lia's flannel quilt and hopefully the quilt for DH as well as he requested an extra long one for stretching out on the sofa and still having his feet covered!
I absolutely will finish the bag for my Mum too...
4 hours ago
Good luck with your quilting plans.
lol - those are some ambitious plans hon. Good luck! I look forward to seeing your progresses.
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