Something I've never bothered with before but I'm aware that the house hasn't had a seriously serious clean since last summer so I'm in the mood to clean up.
First thing will be the kitchen - a serious clear out and re-organisation as things are still in the cupboards we threw them in when we moved in and I'm sure they can be organised a bit better. Then a total clean up and tidy (it's a real 'dump the junk' area in our house). I'm starting next week when DH is away as it'll be much easier without him moving things around.
After that it's the lounge which will mean a big stash tidy up and (shock horror!) a spring clean of my stash. I've already been through my hand-dyed fabric box and looked out 12 pieces that I know I'll never stitch on, I'm even considering going through my projects and linking fabric to charts in an attempt to clear down my stash a bit but that might be going a bit too far!
The next stop will be Lia's room. Only this morning she was complaining that her top was too small (I swear it wasn't last week) so a clear out of clothes is necessary and a real tidy up of toys as it won't be long before we're redecorating her room. Weve just arranged for the electrician to come in a couple of weeks to do a few jobs in her room so a good tidy up is necessary.
After that who knows? Probably our wardrobe which is a haven for all things that seem to have no other place to go - stash, toys, bags, books, you name it, it's dumped in there. Even a few clothes LOL.
I'm also nagging DH to finish boarding the loft so we can properly sort out up there and finally finish unpacking (yes there are boxes in the garage that we haven't opened since we moved). De-junking will definitely be the theme of the next few months.
ps Day two of no pepsi and chocolate and I'm still coping...
6 hours ago
It must be in the air as I've just spent the past hour cleaning out my wardrobe.
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