Firstly I apologise as I meant to take some nice stashy photos yesterday but I stepped into a timewarp sometime around midday and arrived instantaneously at bedtime...
Right on time my lovely stash parcel from Drema at Needlecraft Corner arrived last Thursday containing my first three Lizzie*Kate Boo Club charts, the last part of Bent Creek's Snapperbets, the two new Bent Creeks - Frowzen Men and First Fall of Snow, SamSarah's C is for Cupcake (chart, buttons and fabric) and the final three SamSarah Monthly Baubles I needed with buttons - July, August and September.
Boy was that fun to open!
I also had a shipping notice for my PTP FOTM so that should arrive towards the end of this week. I've never before done a monthly club for either fabric or floss so I'm ridiculously excited about it.
Finally, Drema is shipping out the first 2009 Just Nan tin as we speak. If I'm honest I'm not sure I like this one too much. It's typical, I didn't sign up for an autoship last year and then freaked when she released the Halloween tin because it was gorgeous. I did manage to get all of last years tins but I thought I'd sign up this year so I didn't have to stress about it. Oh well, I may like it more when I see it IRL and if I don't I may think about recharting the birds (I have a problem with their faces).
Rotation wise I'm still on track. I stitched up Lizzie*Kate's 'Spooky' over the weekend so now have to work on Scream House for a week. Theoretically that leaves me almost a week spare this month due to Joyful Summer being finished so quickly. I think what I'll most likely do is keep going with Scream House till the end of the month as I'm quite keen to get it finished (it'll need at least two more rotation slots though, if not more).
I didn't get much crafting done this weekend as we had friends staying - a very enjoyable reason for not doing much it has to be said. It was my Best Mate and her family - she's Lia's Godmother and I'm Godmother to her little boy. Three kids under five in the house was quite a challenge! What's really great is that they are coming back down at Easter and she and I are taking the kids away for a couple of days whilst the two DH's completely redecorate Lia's bedroom.
Completely as in remove the paper from the ceiling, fill in all the cracks, repaper, paint, etc. We'll then have the carpet replaced so that we can get her new bed in for her birthday at the beginning of June. DH isn't that enthusiastic about DIY so having a 'buddy' who is there to help him will mean it gets done properly.
My grand plan is that we do each room in turn and do them properly. Since we moved in all we've done is paint four rooms which is fine because it's all in pretty good condition but I'd like to get each room done - for example our bedroom has several layers of paint over several layers of wallpaper and the wallpaper is bulging and flaking in a few places so I'd like to strip it back completely and start fresh.
However, I think that if we get Lia's room done now and focus on getting the garden done too then that'll be a great acheivement for 2009. We can pick another room for 2010 (probably the bathroom). By the time we've done the lot we'll probably be ready to move LOL.
Of course a small lottery win would be a great help with that plan...
4 hours ago
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