Super Mario is still alive and well in our household and keeping me busy LOL.
I am trying to get more done around the house too and have started cutting up fabric for this years christmas quilt. To be honest all I am really focussed on is the baby scan this thursday - I can't really get my head around doing anything until I know that all is okay, still, it's only two more days to wait and then I'm hoping for a real energy burst so I can get lots done between now and Christmas.
To be fair though I might have to sell the Wii if I can't control my obsession.
All is well with me - I'm now over half way so that's a great milestone and baby is giving me a serious kicking as I type so all would appear to be well inside too. Sleep is still a luxury but I can deal with that.
Lia is loving school still and there's lots to do in the run up to Christmas - it won't be too long before she's too excited to sleep I'm sure. I've been holding her off the whole 'it's Christmas soon' thing by telling her it doesn't count till there are decorations up in the house but that's only a week away now! Why is it that days drag along but weeks fly by?
3 hours ago
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